BPM / Workflow
(Meta-) Modeling
BPA / BP Modeling

Stefan Junginger's Publications about Miscellaneous Topics:


Winter, R.; vom Brocke, J.; Fettke, P.; Loos, P.; Junginger, S.; Moser, C.; Keller, W.; Matthes, F.;  Ernst, A. M.: Patterns in Business and Information Systems Engineering. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering 1(6), 2009. pp. 468-474.


Winter, R.; vom Brocke, J.; Fettke, P.; Loos, P.; Junginger, S.; Moser, C.; Keller, W.; Matthes, F.;  Ernst, A. M.: Patterns in Business and Information Systems Engineering. In: Patterns in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Wirtschaftsinformatik 51(6), 2009. pp. 535-542. (in German)


Marinos, L.; Kirchner, L.; Junginger, S.: Integration of an IT-Risk Management / Risk Assessment Framework with Operational Processes. In: Hansen, H. R.; Karagiannis, D.; Fill, H.-G. (Eds.): 9. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, February 2009, Vienna. pp. 367-376.


Junginger, S.; Lindemann, M.: Prozessorientiertes Supply-Chain-Design. In: Industrie Management, 2/2002; pp. 39-42. (in German)


Lindemann, M.; Junginger, S.: Kooperationsfähigkeit wird groß geschrieben. In: COMPUTERWOCHE 30 (8) pp. 42f. (in German)


Lindemann, M.; Junginger, S.; Rausch, T.; Kühn, H.: ADOLog: An Implementation of the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model. In: Proceedings of the 9th European Concurrent Engineering Conference 2002 (ECEC'2002). Society for Computer Simulation (SCS), Modena, Italy, April 2002.


Kühn, H.; Junginger, S.; Bayer, F.; Petzmann, A.: Managing Complexity in E-Business. In: Baake, U. F.; Herbst, J.; Schwarz, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 8th European Concurrent Engineering Conference 2001 (ECEC'2001) - Concurrent Engineering: The Path to Electronic Business. Society for Computer Simulation (SCS), Valencia, Spain, April 2001, pp. 6-11.


Kühn, H.; Junginger, S.; Bayer, F.: How Business Models Influence the Development of E-Business Applications. In: Stanford-Smith, B.; Kidd, P. T. (Eds.): Proceedings of the eBusiness and eWork Conference 2000 (e2000), Madrid, Spain, October 2000, pp. 1024-1030.


Junginger, S.: Vorstellung der Historie, Regeln des Spiels "1 vs 1" und sich ergebende Perspektiven aus der Arbeit auf dem Weg zur Erstellung des Programms "1 vs 1" V.1. In: Backgammon Magazin, Heft 9, März 1992. pp. 19-25. (in German) Download

(c) Stefan Junginger, 2014